Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January 31 2012

Alright, well I am already busy planning and arting it up this year.  I am geared up and ready to try and keep a more uptodate art blog but we'll see how that goes as I enjoy jornaling by hand more.  So far this month, I have been working with pencil, paints, poetry, crochet and clay. 

I have volunteered to for another project at the Huntsville Botanical Gardens but will not know if I am one of the 35 local artists selected until next week.  I am seeking out other venues in which I can make a difference in the community with my art and have set a goal to be a known local artist by the end of the year.

I have sooooooooo many ideas that sometimes I am just overwhelmed and can't decide what I want to work on.

So what is everyone else up to?