Saturday, April 19, 2014

More photos coming

Hi everyone!  Well it seems I have fallen off the turnip truck and neglected to post anything for a month.  What can I say except it's been a busy month.

The local "Art 4 Paws" was a huge success as far as turn out, weather and fun for all.  Unfortunately it was not a good sale day for me. Thank goodness I wasn't counting on selling.  I was there to support the event as a Madison Arts Council member, artist, and resident of Madison.  I did have a great day :)  Lots of pooches and kitties, and families parading around with their beloved pets.  I loved seeing all of the different breeds & sizes.  My youngest daughter and her friend took our dogs Sandy and Dash and what a fun time they had.

I don't have any upcoming events currently.  So many other things going on right now with Spring, travel, my daughters Graduation from high school, and home improvements.  Just busy busy busy.  I do want to get some photos uploaded.  Photos from Art 4 Paws, and projects I've done for the Huntsville Botanical Garden.  It's just a matter of scheduling time and focus.

I hope you are all planning a wonderful Easter with loved ones, if you are an artist please share what you have been working on.  I would love it!

Until next time....