Monday, October 21, 2013

New Inspiration

Breathe in...breathe out.

Well last week was was such a mental bummer for me when my Mothers trip out here got cancelled.  I fell into a rut of utter depression and could not get back out.  Then on Saturday the gloom started clearing and my mood was finally uplifted by the support and love of my husband. Thank you honey.  Yesterday I was once again lighthearted and giggly and feeling like myself. Let me tell you depression is a !@&!@$!

My brain works in crazy ways.  Ways I do not understand sometimes.  For some reason amidst all the gray I found myself wishing I had learned how to play guitar when I was young. 

I gave my husband a guitar for Christmas back in 2005 (before we were married) when he was overseas in Afghanistan.  That poor old has spent it's life in a hard case. Greg has never learned to play it. Of course he still threatens that someday he will.  

My youngest daughter Katie has an electric guitar but she never has shown any interest in learning how to play.  And then there is me.  I have wanted to learn to play a guitar since I was a young teenager, but do I have my very own guitar? Not until Saturday!  Yes, I am now the proud owner of a guitar.  An acoustic Little Martin whose rich buttery sounds will bring a smile to my face for years to come as I learn to play.

I also had Katie drag her Casio keyboard downstairs so that I (we) can get to know it better!!!  It has been collecting dust in a corner of her bedroom for the past few years.  I am so glad it is not broken.  

Cheryl is feeling young at heart :)

Friday, October 18, 2013


I'm still sitting here in my rut.  Happiness has gone on vacation and I just don't know when it will be back.  Everytime I try and rev myself up my inner voice starts in with the "what's the point or your really not going to enjoy that so don't do it".  Sometimes I really hate that voice!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"The mean reds are horrible." Holly Golightly - Breakfast at Tiffany's

I just hate it when life and events you've been looking forward to fall apart.

I've been looking forward to a visit from my mom for months. She and her companion John who were just married were supposed to fly from Reno, NV (where I grew up) out to Madison Alabama today.  Unfortunately, John's health has been deteriorating over the past month, and it was decided yesterday he is just too ill to travel.  They are both 70+.

When I got the news yesterday I was not at all surprised, not disappointed...just very concerned for both of them. They both have their health issues (as do most people) and sadly I do not hold much hope that John will rebound.

I am reminded of my fathers fight against cancer and how he lost the battle when I was 20. I still mourn his loss even after all these years.

My husbands father passed unexpectedly this summer.  My (step)daughter Katie lost her grandpa and a week later a friend of hers died in a tragic car accident. My sister lost a friend/co-worker to suicide around the same time and then her beloved cat died too. I other friends who have lost loved ones recently
and I just want it all to stop.

I want to paint but I just don't know how to paint the emotions I am going through.  (sigh, take a deep breath).

This isn't my normal blog update...but it is my blog and I hope anyone who reads this understands I'm just trying to get the bad out of my head so don't just sit here on my couch and stare at the walls or go curl up in bed and ignore the world.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Happy Fall Y'all

Ok.  Well obviously I fell off the proverbial bog wall in April.  But I am here again and doing some updating including Gallery posts - YAY!

I've mostly been tinkering and dreaming about all of the art I would like to make but then something shiny (or dirty as with housework) distracts me and I'm helplessly lost in my sea of thoughts and priorities.  Sigh.  The days I do seem to break away from the voices (just kidding) I escape to my private little art room (studio) upstairs.

This is my happy time.  I have paints and brushes, magazines, books, and patterns.  Lots of empty canvas, papers, wooden objects and mixed media just waiting for me to let loose and color outside the lines.  My 2 doggies and 2 meezers love to hang out with me in my studio!

During the summer I didn't paint much.  I did teach my first adult class which was a lot of fun.  I made a few small artsy pieces for the Madison Arts Councils "Amore' Arts" dinner and fundraiser.  I attended the "HOOTERS" Painted Bra event for breast cancer awareness, attended a paint class, sketched and generally hid from the heat and humidity.

I just became a member of the Huntsville Art Council and look forward to meeting other artists and artsy people, AND I would like to have a workshop out of my house with some friends (anyone want to have a paint day?) and make some holiday items.  My favorite part of fall and winter holidays is presenting a loved one with a handmade gift.  The holidays are just around the corner and already full of events and travel.

OK enough blogging for today...Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by!