Thursday, May 31, 2012

On the path of enlightenment...

As an emerging artist it occurs to me that I have never analyzed WHY I do what I do!!!

One of the most important things an artist should have is an "Artist Statement".  A personal statement - the WHY's & WHAT's about me and my art vision.

At first I thought this was going to be easy, but it isn't.  It is so much more personal than just saying "I create because I've always been creative".  It is about my youth, adolescence, 9 to 5, and mothering years. It's about where I've been and where I am going.

Art to me is an old friend.  The friend that you can sit comfortably in silence with, watch a movie with or even dance with.  A friend with whom you can reveal your most intimate secrets, a friend who knows and loves every part of who you are be it the dreamer, the child, the nurturer and the vulnerable.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Playing With Pastels

...So for Mother's Day I went to Michael's and picked up some pastel paper and some chalk pastels to play with.  I have a subscription to The Pastel Artist and wanted to learn some new tricks.  What I've learned, is that it must take a long time to master this art and chalk pastels are messy!  ha ha

I'm working on a piece with two horses - definitely not realism but I hope I can render an interesting piece in the end.  If I am at least somewhat successful I'll post a picture when I'm done.  If anyone would like to offer any pointers that would be lovely!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Welcome visitors!

For those of you who found me via the Huntsville Botanical Garden and to all of my visitors let me say "HELLO" and "Welcome to my website"!

I have always been creative but it wasn't until last year that I stumbled upon the opportunity to share my art in the community.  The project - was to create a design for the botanical gardens Dogwood Diner treehouse.  It took me a full month to execute my vision.  Alas, the tree house was a temporary exhibit and as I understand is no longer there.  If you search my 2011 posts you can take a virtual picture tour. 

When I found that the garden was looking for 35 artists to volunteer and paint the almost 6' tall butterflies for this years Spring/Summer exhibit...well I just had to apply.  It is my honor to have been chosen and once again share myself in this way.

My goals as an artist this year are:
  • Volunteer for projects in the community as time allows.
  • Teach a decorative art class for children/teens and one for adults. (Possibly from my home).
  • Paint a self portrait
  • Create art that I am proud of
If you have a child who needs their budding artist to be nurtured or if you feel your inner artist telling you it wants to play - please contact me!!! 

Thank you for stopping by,

Cheryl Mellema